2018 ISIC Basic Training in Interventional Cardiology

2018 ISIC Basic Training in Interventional Cardiology 2018 ISIC Basic Training in Interventional Cardiology
2018 ISIC Basic Training in Interventional Cardiology 2018 ISIC Basic Training in Interventional Cardiology

The Indonesian Society of Interventional Cardiology has committed to establish fellowship program in cardiology intervention. The first step to achieve this goal is by organizing basic training program for cardiologists who would like to dedicate themselves in interventional cardiology. At the beginning of 2018, basic training program was held on 3rd to 4th, February 2018 in Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital, Makasar. This was the 18th basic training that included nearly 30 cardiologist. In addition to lectures, participants also experienced real simulation of basic techniques in interventional cardiology. And aside of lectures about basic science in devices, techniques, implementation of the guideline, the speakers also gave lectures concerning basic knowledge of radiation safety and preparation to build catheterization laboratory for the first time, which it was very important issue since quality and safety of this unit has became special attention in hospital accreditation. ISIC also gave opportunity to participant who worked from all over Indonesia to share obstacles not only in building catheterization laboratory in their hospital but also in developing the system to serve best services in interventional cardiology. Hopefully this training program could continue its existence to help young interventional cardiologist giving the best practices in all area in Indonesia.