iSTEMI (Indonesia STEMI) is a network system to improve STEMI care in Indonesia. This program is an initiative collaboration of National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita, Indonesian Heart Association, Indonesian Society of Interventional Cardiology, Indonesian Acute Cardiovascular Care, and Department Cardiology and Vascular Medicine University of Indonesia |
The program specifically focus on establishing practical operating protocols, training and process tools to be used by physicians and nurses to help recognize STEMI and expedite initiation of reperfusion therapy per guidelines within the same geographical region. This community-based system of STEMI management will use a hub and spoke model comprising of one 24-hour PCI treatment facility and other hospitals performing reperfusion either PCI on limited basis or fibrinolysis (private and government) as hubs, district clinics and other hospital without reperfusion capability as spokes (diagnosis and referring centers) to facilitate shorter reperfusion times.
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