Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist

Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist
Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist
Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist
Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist Training Course on Radiation Safety and Protection for Interventional Cardiologist

Working hand in hand with Indonesia's Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN - Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir), ISIC organize its first Radiation Safety and Protection Training for Interventional Cardiologist at Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta. As the name implied, this training aimed to give additional knowledge and certification to the interventional cardiologist for a better cathlab management. In this first batch, thirty interventional cardiologists from Jakarta, East Java, West Java, Bengkulu, Papua, Surabaya, Padang, NTB, Makassar, and Manado joined the training. ISIC aimed to train and certify all of its members in Radiation Safety and Protection.