ISIC and BAPETEN Collaboration Program

picture ISIC and BAPETEN Collaboration Program

The fifth batch of Radiation Safety and Protection Workshop for interventional cardiologist had concluded on 31st March 2018. But it would not end the collaboration between The Indonesian Society of Interventional Cardiology and Indonesia's Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN - Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir). Around 150 interventional cardiologist had joined this program to get better knowledge on basic safety and clinical aspect of radiation in interventional radiology thus they could follow the guideline in order to give safe management for patient and for every person who works in cardiology intervention field. Not only gained lectures from BAPETEN they also had the opportunity to learn from senior interventional cardiologist who gave tips and tricks to minimize radiation risk. In order to facilitate 700 interventional cardiologists in Indonesia, ISIC keep this collaboration in different program. BAPETEN  and ISIC would like to develop online lectures thus every health professionals in remote area could learn the latest knowledge regarding basic science of radiation safety.