ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting

ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting
ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting
ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting ISIC and National Health Coverage System (BPJS) Coordination Meeting

A good coordination between a healthcare provider and the payer is key to ensure good healthcare service, especially on such a large scale like national health coverage system (BPJS In Indonesia). Cardiovascular service is one of the largest coverage proportion of BPJS, with Interventional cardiology being the biggest cost of all cardiovascular service. This coordination is very important to ensure people of Indonesia will have access to a good interventional cardiology service while helping BPJS reaching its sustainability. (WA)